Social security


11:15 12/09/2024

In early September 2023, the Happy Home Fund continued its journey alongside local communities by donating 15 houses in Nghe An province. The total amount allocated for Nghe An was 875 million VND

On September 10th, 2023, Happy Home Fund collaborated with the District Party Committee, People's Council, People's Committee, Fatherland Front Committee, District Youth Union, and Steering Committee 1243 of Nam Dan district, Nghe An province, to organize the distribution of funds to construct a new home for the family of Mr. Tran Ngoc Quyen in Lien Minh hamlet, Kim Lien commune, Nam Dan district, Nghe An province, with an amount of 50 million VND. The event was attended by Mr. Vuong Hong Thai, Permanent Vice Chairman of the District People's Committee; Mr. Nguyen Duy Thao, Chairman of the District Fatherland Front Committee and Head of the People's Council; representatives from the Cultural Center of the district; representatives from the Party Committee, People's Council, People's Committee, and Fatherland Front Committee of Kim Lien commune; the Secretary, Hamlet Chief, and Head of the Community Task Force of Lien Minh hamlet; as well as neighbors and Mr. Tran Ngoc Quyen's family. Mr. Tran Ngoc Quyen, facing extremely difficult circumstances with a disabled child, had served actively in the youth volunteer force and traffic safety for 12 years before falling ill and becoming bedridden, lacking the means to build or renovate a home for his family. Mr. Nguyen Duy Thao, Chairman of the District Fatherland Front Committee and Head of the People's Council, mentioned that in 2023, the district had identified 42 poor, near-poor, and disadvantaged households in need of new housing, with 15 of these located in 19 commune-level administrative units, including 10 poor households, 23 near-poor households, and 9 disadvantaged households. On behalf of the District Party Committee, People's Council, and People's Committee, Mr. Vuong Hong Thai, Permanent Vice Chairman of the District People's Committee, expressed sincere gratitude for the golden-hearted contributions of the Happy Home Fund, entrusting local authorities with the responsibility to continue providing financial support and labor to ensure Mr. Tran Ngoc Quyen's family would have a new home before the rainy season. This occasion also witnessed various meaningful activities in President Ho Chi Minh's homeland of Nam Dan. On the lunar date of July 21st, heartfelt respect and boundless gratitude were expressed for President Ho Chi Minh's immense contributions to the nation, with solemn commemorations organized by the local Party Committee, government, and people.


On the morning of September 10th, the Happy Home Fund returned to Hau Thanh commune, Yen Thanh district, Nghe An province. Here, in collaboration with representatives from Steering Committee 944 of the district, the District Party Committee's Propaganda Department, People's Committee, Permanent Fatherland Front Committee, Internal Affairs Department, Labor and Social Affairs Department of the district, district police, District Center for Culture, Sports and Tourism, Permanent Fatherland Front Committee of Hau Thanh commune, representatives from Duc Lan Parish, Duc Lan Parish Pastoral Council, Dong Thuong Hamlet Task Force, clan representatives, and the family, they presented 50 million Vietnamese Dong in support to Mr. Le Dinh Chinh's family in Dong Thuong hamlet, Hau Thanh commune, Yen Thanh district, Nghe An province.


Mr. Le Dinh Chinh and his wife currently do not have a home and are living with his mother, Mrs. Nguyen Thi Vinh, born in 1942. Mr. Chinh suffered a spinal cord injury from a work-related accident, resulting in the loss of one leg, while his wife has eye disabilities, and the couple does not have children. The family resides in a small, cramped, and dilapidated house, facing extremely difficult circumstances that prevent them from building their own home. Mr. Chinh, his wife, and his mother wish for a spacious and secure home to shelter them from the rain and sun during the stormy seasons in the windy lowland region.
On behalf of the District Party Committee, People's Council, and People's Committee of Yen Thanh district, Mr. Hoang Danh Tuyen, Standing Vice Chairman of the District Party Committee, expressed heartfelt thanks to the Happy Home Fund for their compassionate support extended to Mr. Le Dinh Chinh's family, contributing significantly to poverty alleviation efforts for the district's residents.


On September 9, 2023, the Fund carried out housing construction support for 2 families in Tan Ky district and 1 family in Anh Son district. In Nghia Phuc commune, Tan Ky district, on the afternoon of September 9, 2023, the Fund, together with Pham Quoc Vinh, Deputy Head of the Religious Affairs Committee of Nghe An province; Nguyen Van Hoa, Deputy Secretary of the District Party Committee and Vice Chairman of the People's Committee of Tan Ky district; representatives from the District Party Committee, People's Council, People's Committee, Fatherland Front Committee, Steering Committee 734 of the district; representatives from the Party Committee, People's Council, People's Committee, Fatherland Front Committee of Nghia Phuc commune; Secretary of the Party cell, Hamlet Chief of Dong Hoanh hamlet, and local residents, presented 50 million VND to Mr. Tran Tuan Canh and Mrs. Dang Thi Van to rebuild their dilapidated house. Mr. Tran Tuan Canh's family is classified as poor; they have 3 children and 1 grandchild, with 2 of the children disabled. They currently live in a severely degraded house that could collapse at any time. The family hopes for a better new home to provide a safe and stable living environment for their children and to improve their impoverished living conditions.

In Ky Son commune, Tan Ky district, the Happy Home Fund, along with Pham Quoc Vinh, Deputy Head of the Religious Affairs Committee of Nghe An province; Nguyen Van Hoa, Deputy Secretary of the District Party Committee and Vice Chairman of the People's Committee of Tan Ky district; representatives from the District Party Committee, People's Council, People's Committee, Fatherland Front Committee, Steering Committee 734 of the district; representatives from the Party Committee, People's Council, People's Committee, Fatherland Front Committee of Ky Son commune; Secretary of the Party cell, Hamlet Chief of Ky Nam hamlet, representatives from the Parish Pastoral Council of Dien Hong Parish, and local residents, presented 50 million Vietnamese Dong to Mr. Le Xuan Thuy to rebuild his current deteriorating house. Mr. Le Xuan Thuy's family is also classified as poor, and he has been chronically ill; his eldest daughter is disabled. The extended family is currently living in an old, dilapidated single-story house. The family wishes for support to rebuild a new, stable home to improve their living conditions.


In Tuong Son commune, Anh Son district, the Happy Home Fund, together with Pham Quoc Vinh, Deputy Head of the Religious Affairs Committee of Nghe An province; representatives from the District Party Committee, People's Council, People's Committee, Fatherland Front Committee of Anh Son district; representatives from the Party Committee, People's Council, People's Committee, Fatherland Front Committee of Tuong Son commune; Secretary of the Party cell, Chief of Thon 4 hamlet, representatives from the Parish Pastoral Council of Quan Lang Parish, and local residents, presented 50 million Vietnamese Dong to Mr. Tran Dinh Soa to support the construction of a solidarity house. Mr. Tran Dinh Soa's family is poor; he has been ill for 12 years, and his wife suffers from a serious illness. The couple is living with their 6 children in a rundown, makeshift single-story house. The family hopes for assistance to build a temporary stable new home.

On September 9, 2023, in Quynh Luu district, the Fund, together with local authorities including Hoang Danh Lai, Secretary of the District Party Committee; Pham Thi Hai Yen, Vice Chairman of the Fatherland Front Committee; Nguyen Van Phu, Head of the District Inspection Commission; representatives from the district steering committee and local government, and the Catholic Caritas of Loc Thuy Parish, provided 50 million VND in support to build new homes.

They assisted Mr. Nguyen Xuan in Quynh Yen commune to construct a new house. Mr. Nguyen Xuan and his family live in difficult conditions and urgently needed a new home to improve their living conditions.

On the same day, they also supported Ms. Hoang Thi Ba, a single mother raising an adopted child who is in 11th grade, living in a deteriorating old house left by her parents. She is currently undergoing treatment for cancer at the hospital. Ms. Hoang Thi Ba hoped for assistance to build a new house so that she and her child could live comfortably regardless of weather conditions.


/upload/images/anh-6.jpgPreviously, in Thanh Chuong district, the Happy Home Fund also provided housing construction support to 05 families: Mr. Bui Van Thuan, a relative of a martyr's family; Mrs. Nguyen Thi Chau, a martyr's wife;



The total amount donated is 875 million VND; Happy Home Fund will continue to support the construction of houses of gratitude, love, charity, and solidarity in Nghe An.







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